About Nixanadoo

Meet Your friend nix

We’re not going to talk about how many times I’ve redone this site

It started back in…1999? Maybe 2000. My original site on Angelfire (It’s still there but you’re on your own trying to find it.) lit my interest in web working that doesn’t require that much programming or thought beyond whatever it is I wanted to post about.

Since then I’ve moved over to Dreamhost.com and have gone through countless builds of WordPress, as well as many dos and redos and reredos and redodos.

I’ve always enjoyed writing when I get to do it on my own terms. Most of it isn’t very good. Hopefully I’m choosing the stuff that’s at least mostly decent to share with y’all here.

So, anyway, here’s Wonderwall welcome to Nixanadoo! This is where I write about the random bullshit that comes into my mind at any given moment. I pay for my own server space, so we have no ads. I used to have a little logo about that but that was MANY versions ago so you’ll just have to trust me (and the fact that you won’t see ads here).

For the moment I have comments turned off unless approved first. I get a LOT of spam on here (even on WP builds I haven’t even edited) and don’t feel like having to swim through it frequently. If you’ve commented please be patient, it will probably be a while before I see it.

Thanks for coming along for this ride, y’all. Grab a barf bag, hang on, and let’s fucking go!